View the Movie

“Nature is filled with inexpressible and glorious joy. We personally and profoundly invite you to experience pure joy by viewing a Peace of Forest, and continue to experience it every day for the rest of your life.”

Lee Ann & Thomas Szelog

Movie Review

One minute and fifty-one seconds into this spectacular private tour of the behind-the-scenes of my beloved Maine, this amazing state we call home, I started weeping. A Peace of Forest was taking me on a tour of a simple life, without McDonald’s drive-thrus, and too many people walking the pathways we call nature, with our phones and earbuds, and dogs on leashes, and our frenetic lives following us every minute. I could see the value of mirroring the animals with whom we share this incredible planet. I could see what is lost by the way I live my own life.

Then I settled in, put my chaotic mind on mute, and watched some of the best footage I’ve had the pleasure of seeing on the screen. During the Q&A after this film, I am sure much of the discussion will be about how the filmmakers captured what eludes us and how we can do it when we are out in nature. Oh, the birds you will see. Oh, the deer you will meet. Oh, the fun you will have watching the play, and the sadness you will feel when the brutal winter takes its toll on an uncomplaining population of animals at its mercy.

At the same time, you will be experiencing falling snow the way we thought it could be, but I certainly have never felt. You will feel rain as if you were out in it for the entire day… naked. You will see movement the way you wish your body could perform. Oh the journey you will have watching this amazing film.

Bring the children. Bring your private self. Do not let a Peace of Forest go unseen. And then get busy making sure everything it brings to us is not lost for future generations.

Christine Merser

Coming soon to a theater near you

Enjoy a conversation and Q&A with the filmmakers, Lee Ann and Thomas Szelog, immediately following the movie.

  • January 25, 2025, 7:00 at The Camden Opera House

More Options to View the Movie

geese flying

Would you like to host a community event to view a Peace of Forest?

Do you have a special event, an annual membership meeting, corporate event or a wildlife/nature-oriented gathering where a Peace of Forest can entertain and inspire your audience?

We invite you to bring a Peace of Forest to your land trust membership, local school, library, community center, college or university, or virtually any other location with the proper technical tools (e.g. projector, screen, speakers, and a computer to play or stream the movie file, or a Blu-Ray player if you prefer to play it from a Blu-Ray).

To show a Peace of Forest at your venue, you will need to purchase the appropriate screening license.

Producer’s Statement

Media: TV, Newspapers, Podcast, Radio, Magazines