Open your eyes to the natural world, and Mother Nature will open your heart.
Lee Ann & Tom Szelog are recognized for their unique and moving presentations that engage the hearts and minds of audience members through words and images they have created.
a Peace of Forest
Join Lee and Tom as they take you on an adventure, sharing their experiences and what they learned through 10 years of creating a Peace of Forest. This presentation will astound your audience with nature’s raw beauty and power, and entertain with stories of cherished encounters with wildlife. It will also reinforce that nature does not need the human species; we need nature. It is not man versus nature; it is man and nature.

Imagine the Proposed Maine Woods National Park
Experience an extraordinary journey to one of the last, great, unprotected wilderness areas within the United States, the proposed 3.2 million acre Maine Woods National Park. The award-winning professional photography team of Lee Ann Szelog and Thomas Mark Szelog will personally guide you into the proposed park to experience and learn more about this fragile and priceless ecosystem during a multimedia presentation featuring the music of legendary folk singer Pete Seeger.
Wild by Nature
This unique and inspiring presentation will take you on a remarkable outing on the wild side. Your audience will explore the woods and coast of Maine, from a typical backyard to Maine’s great north woods, through the Szelogs’ stories and photographs.

Nature Nurtures – Bring Nature Into the Workplace
Connecting with nature, regardless of where we live and work, helps us calm the chaos. During this refreshing presentation from Lee, you will experience nature’s powerful source that helps us enhance our physical and mental well-being. Exposure to nature not only makes us feel better emotionally, but also contributes to our physical well-being.
By a Maine River – A Year of Looking Closely
Discover the natural beauty found within our own backyard through interesting, surprising, beautiful, and memorable wildlife and nature photographs and stories. An unusual visual journal, a personal almanac, a keepsake unique to Maine. Based on the Szelogs’ book, By a Maine River—A Year of Looking Closely.

Our Point of View – 14 Years at a Maine Lighthouse
Witness the extraordinary events, people, wildlife, storms, and the changing seasons as you are transported to the edge of the continent to experience life in an authentic and operating Maine lighthouse. Based on the Szelogs’ book, Our Point of View—Fourteen Years at a Maine Lighthouse.